Thursday, August 19, 2010


So a lot has been happening. I signed my divorce papers yesterday and popped them in the mail today. Had no idea it would feel the way it does. I assumed I'd be crying and all torn up over it. Funny how things change and how people show their true colors in situations as these. My marriage is now something in my past and something I will look back upon as a learning experience. I never thought I would get divorced, as it was something I strictly never wanted, but I do understand now that sometimes you just don't have any control in the matter. As far as divorces go I think this one went pretty well. There was not a lot of arguing which made it easier for both of us...and when I say "easier" I mean not excruciating ;-)
My life is going in a positive direction and boy am I thankful! I start school in just a few days and I'm nervous, excited, scared, and motivated. A lot of different emotions are flying around as far as returning to school is concerned. Another great thing going on right now is the company I am keeping. I have so many great people around me and there is never a dull moment ;-) My friends and family truly are awesome. I am in the midst of trying to quit the bad smoking habit I took up when the divorce started. I've tried to quit once already and only made it 24 hours. I am at the 24 hour mark again but luckily there is no one around tonight to enable me. I really do want to quit and start working on myself. It's the most obvious thing to start with.
Pete and Charlie are doing great and have been traveling with me some. Tonight is the first night in a week that we will all be sleeping in our own beds. They are warn out...which is a good thing in schnauzer world.
Oh on the movie front...I saw Eat, Pray, Love this week with my mom. I read the book some years ago but I was in a much different place. The movie was much more relevant to my current life and so it had a stronger effect on me this time around. All in all it was a pretty good movie and was right on track with the book. Sometime they change so much stuff up that you don't even recognize it as the story you read.
Well I'm off to catch up on some much needed chores and TV watching. Thank god for the DVR!!

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