Sunday, July 19, 2009

Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince

I am not at all happy with this movie...Heather brought it my attention that they left out all of the stuff that made the book good. If you have read the book, you will remember that half the book is focusing on building up of the Order of the Phoenix so they will be ready to overthrow the Dark Lord. The Order battle the death eaters throughout the book and they failed to even include that in the movie...they only show a small scene and only two members of the Order. This movie felt as if it's only purpose is to get us to the next movie...the book was much more enjoyable.
The movie focuses on the romantic relationships that build in the sixth book and the death of a very important character. That's it! They fail to really pull you into the battle that is taking place between the Order of the Phoenix and the Death Eaters. Not sure how they are planning on pulling the seventh book off since that all but left that important battle out of this film.
One more thing...they left out many of the details (memories) about the Half Blood Prince...the memories that you read about in the book give you a much better concept of why Dumbledore even wants Harry know them. It's a pretty important point that is all but skipped over in the movie.

1 comment:

  1. Exactly, how are they going to kill off certain characters and have the audience even care if they never introduce them?!
