Sunday, September 27, 2009

Bright Star

What a heart breaking film. Beautiful but heart breaking all the same. The acting was great and I loved the leads. Heather and I both left wondering where we have seen them before. The only acting downfall to the movie was Paul Schneider and his horrible Irish/Scottish accent. I love him and love looking at him but his role in this movie was not so great. Your heart hangs heavy when leaving the theater but it's totally worth it.

Monday, September 21, 2009

The Burning Plain

Wow...this was an intense movie. Worth seeing but make sure your not already depressed when you watch it ;-) The story was really cool and I like the way it was told with interweaving the individual character stories.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

It might get Loud

Brilliant! I loved it from beginning to end. I was the only girl in the theater, but I think any person who loves music and appreciates a good guitar player would like this documentary. Jimmy Page, The Edge, and Jack While all have very cool stories to tell. Seeing the three feed off each other was very interesting to watch and sometimes uncomfortable. Jimmy Page is a bad ass and this movie just confirms it.

The September Issue

What a great documentary about Vogue and Anna Wintour. If you saw the Devil Wears Prada then you must see this so that you can see the real woman behind the magazine. It was neat to see how the September issue gets made and all the work that and money that goes into it. The money is insane!!! Clay enjoyed this film just as much or maybe a little more than I did so it's not just for the ladies.


Not so extracting...Heather and I were dissapointed to say the least. The best parts were given away in the previews. It was great to see Clifton!